Alcohol Addiction Treatment In Berkshire
Alcohol is one of the most common addictions, and one of the most destructive- for both the sufferer and those around them. With millions of men, in particular, consuming 14 units a week, experts even think there should be warnings on bottles. New guidance recommendations have already lowered the limit for men from 21 to 14.
According to Drink Aware, men drinking this much don’t believe they’re putting their health at risk. This is despite the fact there is a definite link between alcohol and cancer, along with many other serious conditions. Recent research also found that only 1 in 10 know there is a link between alcohol and cancer.
New figures have shown that those in areas with high alcohol consumption have a lower life expectancy. This means people can lose as much as 19 months of their life.
Although drinking in moderation isn’t bad for you- some studies show it can actually be beneficial- alcohol addiction can have devastating consequences. It destroys families, damages relationships, and often ruins someone’s health and career.
At Addiction Care, we offer personalised treatment for every client suffering from alcohol addiction. Based in Guildford, Surrey, our counselling is ideal for those based in Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey.
If you’re in Berkshire, simply give us a call on 01483 533 808.
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