Find Drug Help in Hampshire

Do you or someone you care about have an addiction to drugs? If so, then professional help will be required to help reach a stage of recovery. Since the formation of Addiction Care I have been providing drug help to people in Hampshire and the surrounding area. With my one to one therapy sessions I can help you by talking with you to discover how the addiction to drugs started. From there I will work with you to implement the required strategies to aid and then maintain recovery.

I know that facing an addiction head on and dealing with how to gain recovery is not an easy task. I have been there myself – I am a recovering alcoholic so I know better than most what you are experiencing and it is my passion to help you.

If you would like to find out more about the drug help I provide in Hampshire please call me on 01483 533 808 or email me on I will be able to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Please read my previous article: Where Can I Find Individual Therapy in Hampshire?